Writing A Hardship Letter Not Delinquent

Financial hardship can affect anybody. The problem is that while this hardship is often of a temporary nature, its consequences can last for many years. For instance, a missed payment will usually cause a negative marking to be placed on your credit file, and it can take as much as six years, sometimes even longer, for this to be removed. That can seem unduly harsh when hardship is a temporary situation over which you have practically no control. Should you find yourself in such a situation where you have not been delinquent in your previous payments but now find that you are unable to pay, it is possible to appeal to the goodwill of your creditors by writing to them.

Tips for Writing a Hardship Letter Not Delinquent

These types of letters are formal letters and should be written as such. They have to be dated, addressed to the correct person, and free from grammatical and spelling errors. You should also include your account number as well as other identifying information.

Contents of the Hardship Letter

Start your letter by indicating what you are requesting. This could be a payment delay, a consolidation, debt forgiveness, or anything else that could help ease your financial burden. It should also state the type of debt, such as credit card, a loan, or a mortgage.

State that, from the date of your writing, you have not been delinquent on payments. However, because of your financial hardship, you will become delinquent unless a special arrangement be agreed upon. Explain that you have other necessary expenses, attaching copies of your various bills, and indicate your current income. Do also provide evidence of the cause of your hardship, such as huge medical bills, death in the family, or a sudden illness. Explain that you have made all possible adjustments, such as using up your savings, taking on a part time job, and reducing your expenses, as well.

Emphasize that you wish to be proactive and that you want to come up with a mutually agreeable solution that will prevent your credit rating from being damaged. State that you are willing to accept a solution that the creditor offers as long as it is within the bounds of your current financial capability. If the request is for a mortgage, make sure that you explain whether you want to remain in your property, or whether you have already placed the property up for sale.

Propose a Payment Plan

Do also make a suggestion for repayment yourself. For instance, you can propose reduced payments for a set period of time. Only do so, however, if you know that you can afford those payments and if you know that your hardship will have been resolved after a certain period. Keep your letter short and to the point and always stick to the facts and avoid emotional statements.

Lastly, make sure that you take a photocopy of your letter and all the documents you have attached. Send the letter via registered post and keep the receipt. If there is no reply after seven days of receipt of your letter, make sure to follow it up.

Hardship Letter Not Delinquent Example

{Your Name}
{Your Address}
{Your Phone #}
{Your Loan #}


To Whom It May Concern:

To Whom It May Concern:

I’m sorry to ask for an exemption from your University housing requirement. However, although I do not meet every condition for an exemption, I would like my severe financial hardship to be taken into account.

Your current prerequisites for housing exemptions are as follows: {list the prerequisites}. At this time, I meet the following prerequisite(s): {e.g. My parent’s house is within 25 miles of the University, I have taken at least 2 credits of college courses before, I am over 21 years old}. Attached is the necessary documentation proving that I meet these requirements.

However, I currently do not meet the following prerequisite(s): {list the prerequisites}. While I understand that these rules are in place for a reason, I hope you will understand that I cannot hope to make up the price differential caused by living in the dorms rather than my parents’ house. I am currently receiving {amount} in scholarships from the {Name of Scholarships}. I have also been granted financial aid from FAFSA in the amount of {amount} per year. The out-of-pocket expense to me and my family is {amount} per year, just for school, fees and books. My parents make {amount} per year, I have {amount} saved up for college and I contribute an additional {amount} per year from my job at {job}.

I think you can see that we are already struggling to meet the expenses accrued through my schooling alone. I could currently live at home for no additional expense, with groceries costing me about {amount} per week. However, if I were to live in the University’s housing, I would be required to purchase a package that would cost me at least {amount} per month for room and board and {amount} per month for a food plan.

I simply cannot meet these financial requirements. I would have to withdraw from the University instead, which I really do not want to do. It has always been my dream to attend {University Name} and I hope you can help me arrange a situation that is amenable to both of us.


{Sender Name}

Writing A Hardship Letter Property Repairs

If you own a property, you are responsible for the financial costs required for keeping it in good condition. Unfortunately, there are times where this can cause you to become delinquent on other payments. For instance, you may not be able to pay your mortgage, certain loans, car finance, credit card bills, or any other bill that you may have. If this is the case, you may appeal to the goodwill of your creditors by writing a hardship letter.

Tips for Writing a Hardship Letter Property Repairs

Hardship letters are formal pieces of correspondence and must be treated as such. This means they should be in the right format and addressed to the right person. They should also not contain any grammar or spelling errors, so do have the letter proofread before you send it. Furthermore, these letters should be based on documented facts, and not on your feelings. Keep it short and to the point, sticking to a single page if you can, and attach any documents that prove your statements.

Starting Your Letter

Start your letter by explaining that you have become or about to become delinquent on the payments with the creditor you are writing to, and ask them for some time to help you restore the situation. Explain that you are trying to avoid a certain consequence, such as foreclosure or legal recovery action, and explain what bill you have with the creditor. Make sure that you include your account number and any other identifying information.

Content of the Hardship Letter

State that you have been the owner of the property, including the address, since a certain date. Explain that the property has required a number of repairs since then, which have cost you a significant amount of money. Include copies of documents indicating all of the repairs that have been completed, the cost associated with each. Go on to explain that you will need further funds to finish certain repairs and state the associated expenses. Include when you expect the repairs to be completed.

You then need to include a financial statement that demonstrates that you are unable to pay for the completion of the repairs on your property, while at the same time continuing with your other financial obligations. Include bank statements, copies of bills, and more. State that you have made all possible adjustments, such as cutting down on life’s luxuries and working more hours, in an effort to continue to make all necessary payments.

Ending the Letter

Finally, you should come up with a plan to repay the money that you owe. State when you believe your financial situation will be resolved, and how much you are able to pay until that point. Do not promise to make any payments at all, unless you are actually able to do so. Again, make sure that you have documented proof to demonstrate what you can or can’t pay at the present time, and what you will be able to pay once the repairs have been completed, and when that will be. In so doing, you show the creditor that you are willing to come to a resolution.

Writing A Hardship Letter To Landlord

There is one bill that should always be paid, and that is your rent. If you are in a desperate situation and you genuinely cannot pay your bills, then speaking to your landlord is the first thing you must do. Other bills can wait to some degree so long as you are able to keep a roof over your head. And if this means you need to grovel a little bit, then so be it.

Basic Guidelines for Writing a Hardship Letter to Landlord

Hardship is defined as a circumstance beyond your control that causes your income to suddenly change. The key factor is that it is beyond your control. For instance, a forced reduction in hours is classed as hardship, whereas choosing to go part time is not. Similarly, a long standing medical condition does not classify as hardship, whereas developing a sudden illness would be classed as such. Hence, before you write this letter, you have to determine whether or not you are actually experiencing hardship at all.

The second issue is the type of landlord that you have. If you rent from an individual and you are on reasonably friendly terms with him or her, then there is no need for the letter to be overly formal. If, however, you rent from a huge housing association, then you do have to include some formality in your writing. In fact, they may even have a standard form that you have to complete.

Either way, you must make sure that your letter is free from grammatical and spelling errors. It should also be dated and addressed to the right person. Finally, you should keep it short, sticking to just one page if possible. These letters have to be about the facts. All landlords understand that you will be distraught and upset by your hardship, so there is no need to relate a sob story. Rather, you need to explain what has happened to put you in hardship, and what this means in terms of your income, and how long you expect the situation to last.

Content of the Hardship Letter

Make sure that you provide documented evidence about your income and expenditures, and what you have done to ameliorate the situation. For instance, if you have given up on certain leisure activities, or if you have taken on a part time job, you need to discuss this and provide some evidence. One other issue of extreme importance is that hardship is always only supposed to last for a short period of time. Hence, your letter should also discuss a solution for that particular period.

You should, for instance, offer to make reduced payments on your rent (indicate the exact amount and make sure that it is an amount that you can actually afford), and offer to pay for the shortfall later by increasing your rent payments after your hardship situation has been resolved. If at all possible, you need to tell your landlord when you expect this resolution to be in place. Remember to be open and honest at all times. Do not make any promises that you cannot keep and do not place blame on your landlord in any way.

Writing a Hardship Letter Delinquent Rent

If you are experiencing some sort of hardship, it will have a significant impact on every element of your financial life. This includes your ability to pay your rent. If you don’t pay your rent, your landlord will eventually take out legal action, leading to an eviction notice. You can avoid this by being open and honest about your situation. If you write a detailed hardship letter delinquent rent, which explains why you are in the situation that you are in, there is a chance that your landlord will be sympathetic to your situation.

Why Your Landlord May Agree to Your Request

Generally speaking, taking legal action against a delinquent tenant is very expensive. It also means that once you have been evicted, significant repairs will have to be made on the property and that a new tenant will have to be found. Hence, it is easier for a landlord to give you some leniency if you can demonstrate that your situation is temporary and that you are doing all that you can to change the situation for the better.

Tips on Writing a Hardship Letter Delinquent Rent

  1. Place your landlord’s name and address at the top of the letter, and make sure that you date it. Start your letter formally, using the word “Dear”, followed by the name of your landlord.
  2. Begin by telling your landlord that you are aware of the fact that you are delinquent in your rent and apologize. Make sure that you write down all the positive things that you have done as a tenant during your time in the property. For instance, describe how your apartment has always remained clean and orderly, and that you have always made your payments on time so far, if those are true.
  3. Explain that you are currently experiencing financial hardship, and what has caused this. Make sure that you provide as much detail as possible that explain why your rent is still unpaid. For instance, if you have been in the hospital, facing not just expensive medical bills but also loss of income as a result of not being able to go to work, then you need to include all the relevant data and the costs associated with that.
  4. Only provide facts and be clear and concise. Your landlord is looking for facts, not for emotions. He or she will be able to understand the situation that you are in and you do not need to explain how you feel. Just be sincere and polite, which is what will get you sympathy.
  5. Inform the landlord about your plan for resolving your current situation. Develop an installment plan that you think you can afford. Indicate if you will be missing any future rent payments and, if so, how the shortfall be paid over time. Make sure that you demonstrate that you are proactive, and that you do not foresee the situation to last for a long time. Thank your landlord in advance for understanding the situation and giving you some consideration.

Hardship Letter Delinquent Rent Example

{Your Name}
{Your Address}
{Your Phone #}


Dear {Landlord Name}:

I find that due to {brief description of hardship}, I am unable to pay next month’s rent by {due date}. These circumstances were unforeseen and a one-time occurrence.

I have always understood the importance of paying my bills in a timely manner, and I would like to be proactive in finding a solution for this unfortunate situation. I would like to request {an installment plan, interest on my next rent, etc.} to make sure that you get the full rental amount as quickly as possible.

I’m sorry to inconvenience you, and I appreciate your understanding during this difficult situation. Thank you for your consideration.

Thank you,

{Sender Name}

Writing A Hardship Letter To Prevent Eviction

When times are desperate, you have to do things that you may not have wanted to do, including groveling. This is particularly true for certain things such as your rent. The reality is that some people live from paycheck to paycheck, and the slightest financial upheaval can make everything come tumbling down. There are options out there, such as payday loans, but they are not recommended for obvious reasons. It is better, at least in the first instance, to write to your landlord and ask for some consideration, something that he or she is likely to accept if you have been a good tenant.

Tips for Writing a Hardship Letter to Prevent Eviction

Unlike many other hardship letters, this particular one does not have to be as formal as others, particularly if you have been on friendly terms with your landlord. You do, however, have to make sure that the letter is open and honest. You must explain that you are currently experiencing financial hardship and why.

Although the letter doesn’t have to be overly formal, it does have to be formatted properly. Hence, it should be addressed to the right person and it should be dated as well. A good tip is to address your landlord personally in the letter, as this makes you look more human. You need to think about this situation from a psychological perspective. If you express your gratitude for the kindness and consideration of your landlord, he or she is more likely to show those very traits. However, you also shouldn’t lay it on too thick. Again, it is about being honest and open.

Content of the Hardship Letter

The letter does also have to be factual. Explain exactly what has happened that got you into your current situation of hardship. Examples include unexpected huge medical bills, loss of job, separation, death in the family, and so on. Make sure that you include documented evidence of a change in your income and expenses if applicable. Do also show that you have been proactive in trying to reduce your costs. This will show the landlord that you have tried everything and are truly in a desperate situation.

If you have always paid your rent on time and otherwise been a good tenant, make sure that you mention this in the letter as well. It doesn’t hurt to remind the landlord of the fact that, should you be evicted, it may be difficult to find a good tenant like yourself again. At the same time, you should not put this in a threatening way. At the end of the day, the landlord will be doing you a favor, not the other way around.

Last but not least, make sure the letter proposes a resolution. Explain how long you expect to be in financial difficulty, how much you can pay during that period, and how you intend to make up for the shortfall once your situation has improved. Do not make promises that you will not be able to keep. It is better to offer $5 a month and pay it, than to offer $50 and then realize later that you are unable to pay it.